Laughing at robots: synthesising humour and cyber-paranoia in portrayals of artificial intelligence in Welcome to Night Vale


relief theory
artificial intelligence
the uncanny valley
paranoid fiction
Welcome to Night Vale

How to Cite

Walsbergerová, T. (2018). Laughing at robots: synthesising humour and cyber-paranoia in portrayals of artificial intelligence in Welcome to Night Vale. The European Journal of Humour Research, 6(3), 1-12.


This article addresses the synthesis of humour and paranoia in portrayals of artificial intelligence (AI) in the popular American podcast Welcome to Night Vale (2012-). It argues that contrary to the Relief Theory, fusing humour and cyber-paranoia does not help release the tension (anxious energy) generated within the narrative. Rather, the synthesis of humour and paranoia maintains suspense by creating within the narratives moments of ambiguity with the potential to leave the reader or audience caught between fear and laughter after the story ends


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